The other night, I was working on my managerial negotiations final project. I had to put together a video with film clips from entertainment, news or otherwise that covered negotiation topics from the class. This meant I had to spend several hours watching Youtube video clips (horrible, right?).
As I tried to think of examples I could use, I thought about many Biblical examples of negotiation. I didn’t want to be overtly religious and get a bad grade (this is the University of Utah after all), but I remembered one especially big negotiation by the prophet Moses with the Pharaoh. So I decided to include this negotiation as shown in The Prince of Egpyt in the awesome song “Let My People Go.” Luckily, this covered the topic of Rights Negotiation very well, which is “concerned about who is ‘right’—that is, who has legitimacy, who is correct, or what is fair” (Lewicki, Roy J (2010-02-17). Essentials of Negotiation (Page 118). Business And Economics. Kindle Edition).
This was the best clip I could find of it.
This was the best clip I could find of it.
As I watched it, I thought about how it was definitely rights negotiation, but how it also encapsulated power negotiation because Moses totally had power on his side to call down plagues. Real power. Power that made the negotiation work in his favor. For a split second, I thought it wasn’t really a fair negotiation because of that power.
But of course it was. It was because it was Right for the children of Israel to be set free. And thank the heavens (literally) that there was Power to make it happen.
And then a sweet understanding came. When something is Right in our lives, we will have real, true, even tangible Power to help it work out for us. That doesn’t mean the result is always fun, or that it is devoid of hardship and sadness, or even that it will be what we want it to be (think of the plagues!). But that is why we can have hope. Because we are not just trying to negotiate this life with perceived power, but with real Power from a loving Heavenly Father. That is the power we need and that is the power we have access to.
If the U professors only knew that I was learning gospel principles from my classes…
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I love the Prince of Egypt. And a little hard on the U, aren't we? 😉