I recently traveled to Mongolia for two weeks. Apparently this is strange because the top question I have received is… “But why?” One person even was so surprised that he said, “You must have already traveled a lot of places if Mongolia was next on your list to visit.” Well, I just don’t think that’s […]
Israel 3: Boat ride on the Galilee, Ginosar, Capernaum, Wadi Hammam, Magdala

In this edition of “Liz goes to Israel and Jordan” you will learn about doing yoga on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. So, we did yoga on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. One of the gals on our trip, Susi, is a yoga instructor, which we discovered on our run together […]
Israel 2: Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Banias, Golan, Galilee

Lake. Sea. Tiberias. Genesserat. Kinneret. Galilee. Sea of Galilee The Sea of Galilee is also known as Lake Tiberias and Lake Genesserat and Lake Kinneret (and other names, too!) The Bible makes so much more sense when you start to realize they’re all talking about the same place. The Jordan River feeds into and empties […]
Israel 1: Haifa, Muhraqa, and Nazareth

“In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” -David Ben Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel (Interview on CBS, 5 October 1956) Israel is an incredible place, full of history, layers, faith, miracles, conflict, destruction, rebuilding, ashes, beauty from ashes, holiness, and the beauty of holiness. I don’t actually know […]
- Family History
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Why I Went to Slovenia: My Slovenian Roots

Perfect is the enemy of the good. I’ve been trying to craft the perfect blog post about Slovenia, but I have now been home from my trip to Europe for about six months and haven’t finished. For ze childrenz, I have committed to write this. Back in December 2014, I went to Slovenia to visit […]
Europe Trip, Part 2: Austria

So…that Europe trip? Yeah, I am going to finish blogging about it. Mostly because I never finished writing in my journal about it, so I better capture it somewhere. #journalfail Recap of the end of blogpost Europe Trip, part 1: Liz and her mom go to Hungary to visit her mom’s sister and brother-in-law, the […]
Europe Trip, Part 1: Hungary

Unless all of you are lying (which I highly suspect right now), you are all dying to hear about my European Adventure. I have never done a travel blog, but I have traveled and I have blogged, so there’s that. And now here’s this. First, let’s start off with the most Frequently Asked Questions. Which […]
China, China, China
First, one motorcycle entered a big metal sphere and started riding inside. Around and around, up and down, doing jumps and riding upside down. As if that wasn’t cool enough, another joined. And another. And then two more. All going in a circle, with an estimated 3 inches between one motorcycle and the next. One […]