Earlier this year, a little baby was born, and along with the baby was an introduction to motherhood for me.
38 Lessons From My First Year of Marriage at age 38

Steve and I have been married a year and a month (and some change) and we have some lessons to share.
Recollections of a wedding: one year later

Steve and I have been married a year. Woot. Woot. While looking back on events can paint a different picture than what may or may not have actually happened, I thought it would be fun to share some of my recollections of our wedding day, with a one-year-of-marriage perspective on them. Also, TL;DR for reals. […]
37 Reasons it’s a Miracle I’m Married at age 37

I know I didn’t have to write this. And this year is different after all. For the newbies, this all started when I turned 30 and was still single and was tired of answering the oft-repeated, “I just don’t understand why you’re still single.” Because I knew why. Even though there was no reason why. […]
The Love Story of Liz and Steve
About Steve Steve grew up in the sweetest place on earth – Hershey, PA. He has 4 brothers and 3 sisters. He served a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission. Steve graduated from BYU-Idaho with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and then […]
36 Reasons Why I’m Still Single at Age 36

From COVID to pickleball to grammar conscientiousness to personal style, 36 more reasons why I’m still single at age 36.
35 Reasons Why I’m Still Single at Age 35

This year, I sincerely considered just putting up a list where every reason listed was COVID-19. Lucky you, I came through a little better than that.
Dating During COVID-19, Part 1

Hey y’all. I know one of the top questions on your mind is, “But what does dating look like during COVID-19?” I mean, we keep seeing people get engaged so I just guess they must be really good at ring toss. I hesitated to write this blog. Not for the reason you may think (ie. […]
Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 3: The Process

If you’ve read my last two blog posts on the idea and the basis stats of the great set-up service experiment of 2015, you already have the gist and the kind of numbers and demographics I was working with. So let’s get down to how I went about setting people up. First, though, there must […]
Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 2: The Basic Stats

I have to clarify for y’all. My Set-up Service was an experiment that I tried 5 years ago in 2015. It’s not something I’m currently doing or planning to do again at the moment (although I now realize how my “Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 1: The idea” post could have seemed that way). That being […]