Dating During COVID-19, Part 1

a bar of "max fun" candy.

Hey y’all. I know one of the top questions on your mind is, “But what does dating look like during COVID-19?”

I mean, we keep seeing people get engaged so I just guess they must be really good at ring toss.

I hesitated to write this blog. Not for the reason you may think (ie. we already have enough depressing things to think about, hahahaha *sigh*), or the other reason you may think (ie. let’s not make light of an extraordinarily sanity-crushing moment such as this and you have a fair point), but more because I’m fairly confident I’m going to make it to 35 and single now, so I’ve got to save my good material for that future blog.

But…I’ll indulge because we need some laughs.

Here’s what it looks like.






Well, it looks like it normally does. Pretty empty. At least one thing in life is the same. (But I’m doing this in parts just to see if there IS a part 2!)

Ok, but for reals, this is what it looks like.

I used to get on Mutual (the dating app for Latter-day Saints) to waste time when I should be doing something else. But most of my “something elses” are gone and Mutual is SUPER boring. I can’t even stand the app anymore.

Nevertheless, I did get on one day and I did match with a guy. One of the first things he said? He may have been exposed to the virus. Cool, cool.

One dude I matched with on Mutual seems nice. But (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) I miss the days when they used to just say the classic, “So what do you like to do?” instead of the new line: “How’s quarantine?”

And then there was the guy I was supposed to go out with a few weeks ago. We planned to go to a hockey game. Then they canceled sports. And dine-in-eating. And laughter and fun. So we didn’t go out, but we’re just texting a bit for now (P.S. I haven’t told him I wasn’t TOO disappointed about not going to a hockey game).

And then there’s the mancub that someone wanted to set me up with before #allthis. But he works in healthcare. So. Haven’t even heard from him in weeks, which I totally support and I’m praying for him to be well. He wasn’t too jazzed about the setup anyway, so this probably will work out for the best for him.

Phew. Shortest blog I’ve ever written. Thanks for joining in the excitement, and thank you for helping me meet my writing goal!

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