About three years ago, I had what I thought to be a brilliant idea. I wanted a forum for anyone in the world to share gratitude to others who had been Good Samaritans in their lives, whether anonymously or knowingly. I wanted to highlight moments of gratitude, mercy, and miracles. My motto would be a […]
- Family History
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Why I Went to Slovenia: My Slovenian Roots

Perfect is the enemy of the good. I’ve been trying to craft the perfect blog post about Slovenia, but I have now been home from my trip to Europe for about six months and haven’t finished. For ze childrenz, I have committed to write this. Back in December 2014, I went to Slovenia to visit […]
Second Date Anxiety
Nearly two years ago (next week in fact), I wrote a blog post about First Date Anxiety. The time has come for my follow-up post: Second Date Anxiety. It took so long because it’s been two years since someone asked me on a second date. Ok, I lie. I have been asked on several second dates […]
- Faith
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BYU Women’s Conference: #giveback

As a testament to the fact that normal, yes, even weakness-filled people get asked to do cool things, I was invited to speak at this year’s BYU Women’s Conference. I wouldn’t really say it was magical–more along the lines of “But I’m not like all those other women who do everything right and are never […]
Europe Trip, Part 2: Austria

So…that Europe trip? Yeah, I am going to finish blogging about it. Mostly because I never finished writing in my journal about it, so I better capture it somewhere. #journalfail Recap of the end of blogpost Europe Trip, part 1: Liz and her mom go to Hungary to visit her mom’s sister and brother-in-law, the […]
Europe Trip, Part 1: Hungary

Unless all of you are lying (which I highly suspect right now), you are all dying to hear about my European Adventure. I have never done a travel blog, but I have traveled and I have blogged, so there’s that. And now here’s this. First, let’s start off with the most Frequently Asked Questions. Which […]
Ten Things Mommy Blogs Taught Me to Worry About: Newborn Edition
So I’m pretty well aware that I’m not a mom yet. But I am very aware I’m addicted to mommy blogs. Let’s not say addicted; that sounds bad. Let’s say, “I am a hugely ridiculous fan of reading [mommy blogs].” They can be written by mothers I know and mothers I don’t know. For me, […]
- Faith
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You Cannot Fail
I found something out recently. I found out that I can’t fail. For a recovering perfectionist (seriously, but really, seriously), this is a hard thing to initially swallow. Several months ago I got another calling in the ward. I’m still going 4 1/2 years strong with my service calling (which I love), but apparently I […]
Learning to hit the brakes
Here’s a picture to make my blog seem more interesting.Not the same day, but the same kids. On a side note,this was the day I worked hard with L to learn to pump her legsso I wouldn’t have to push her on the swing anymore. Mykindness knows no bounds. On a normal day in a normal neighborhood, […]
Online Dating Round 2
I put this as one of my Tinder profile pictures.I think it helped people see the real me. Yep, you read me right. I tried it again. TindereHarmonyLDS Planet Ok, so let’s be honest here. I only briefly looked at LDS Planet, and eHarmony was a three day free trial thing and I got freaked […]