Naming and caring for your goldfish: a Shakespearean tragedy

One time, we named our little goldfish after the roommates: Cheryl, Liz, Emily, and Amanda. They all died. Lesson learned: Don’t name your fish after yourselves. There is an interesting phenomenon, not scientifically proven, that goldfish are actually mood-fish. If you name them after people, they take on human characteristics. I know because of Li’l […]

My 9/11 Hero

“For people who have experienced personal tragedies, the one thing that I would want them to know is to stay true — to hang in there — and there will be a better day. It may not be when you want it to come, but if you’ll just hang in there, life will get better.” […]


I got a rejection letter the other day for a book I wrote. It’s not the first time my work has been rejected. Won’t be the last time. I am a writer, after all. Actual letter: Thanks so much for submitting When You Go on a Mission to [publishing company] for our consideration. I wish I had better news, […]

China, China, China

First, one motorcycle entered a big metal sphere and started riding inside. Around and around, up and down, doing jumps and riding upside down. As if that wasn’t cool enough, another joined. And another. And then two more. All going in a circle, with an estimated 3 inches between one motorcycle and the next. One […]