“All stories told have been told before. We tell them to ourselves, as did all men who ever were. And all men who ever will be. The only things new are the names.” “Words are where most change begins.” ―Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance This has been a good few months of reading. Enjoy the […]
Q1 2018 Books in Review
I did it! I wanted to try doing my book reviews on a quarterly basis this year and look! #ICanDoHardThings I had an interesting mix of bookses this time around (That’s how Gollum would say it. No, I didn’t re-read LOTR. Yes, I want to.) Children’s Book Good Morning Moroni By: Jed Nelson Platt I […]
Tri 3 (September-December) 2017 Books in Review
I feel like every time I write my book review blog, I have to make some excuse (largely to myself) about why I didn’t read more. Two reasons. Winter didn’t really come until today, so I had no reason to cuddle up by the gas fireplace (that I won’t light because I’m afraid of it […]
Tri 2 (May-August) Books in Review
May through August, huh? Then why are you posting this in October, Liz? Ok, I know I’m late. Turning 32 took up a lot of my time last month, though! (also, I bought a house and moved, so…) But, I read more books and now I’m going to tell you to read them. Most of […]
Tri1 (Jan-April) 2017 Book Recommendations
After posting my book recommendations at the end of 2016, I made a goal to try posting them on a more regular basis. I don’t read enough books often enough to make it every month, but I thought I could try every quarter. And then April came and went without me posting, so I decided […]
2016 Books in Review
Last year, I did a Dating Year in Review. Does it say anything about #whyimsingle that I’m replacing that this year with my books in review? This year, I finally got into tracking my books consistently on Goodreads. Why, you say? Because one day I read a book and found it fascinating. New. Intriguing. I was […]
Even Greater Expectations
Over the past few years, I have taken the opportunity to read a few of Charles Dickens’s classics…and I was shocked I’d missed them before: he is a genius. Recently I finished reading Great Expectations, one of his final completed novels. In the novel, the main character Pip, a young lad with little to no chance […]