I did it! I wanted to try doing my book reviews on a quarterly basis this year and look! #ICanDoHardThings I had an interesting mix of bookses this time around (That’s how Gollum would say it. No, I didn’t re-read LOTR. Yes, I want to.) Children’s Book Good Morning Moroni By: Jed Nelson Platt I […]
Tri 3 (September-December) 2017 Books in Review
I feel like every time I write my book review blog, I have to make some excuse (largely to myself) about why I didn’t read more. Two reasons. Winter didn’t really come until today, so I had no reason to cuddle up by the gas fireplace (that I won’t light because I’m afraid of it […]
Tri 2 (May-August) Books in Review
May through August, huh? Then why are you posting this in October, Liz? Ok, I know I’m late. Turning 32 took up a lot of my time last month, though! (also, I bought a house and moved, so…) But, I read more books and now I’m going to tell you to read them. Most of […]
Tri1 (Jan-April) 2017 Book Recommendations
After posting my book recommendations at the end of 2016, I made a goal to try posting them on a more regular basis. I don’t read enough books often enough to make it every month, but I thought I could try every quarter. And then April came and went without me posting, so I decided […]
2016 Books in Review
Last year, I did a Dating Year in Review. Does it say anything about #whyimsingle that I’m replacing that this year with my books in review? This year, I finally got into tracking my books consistently on Goodreads. Why, you say? Because one day I read a book and found it fascinating. New. Intriguing. I was […]
Even Greater Expectations
Over the past few years, I have taken the opportunity to read a few of Charles Dickens’s classics…and I was shocked I’d missed them before: he is a genius. Recently I finished reading Great Expectations, one of his final completed novels. In the novel, the main character Pip, a young lad with little to no chance […]