I’ve gone and done it. I went to an LDS mid-singles event on purpose. (You see, I did accidentally go to a mid-singles fireside some four or five years ago. It scared me. I needed to face my fear.) But a week ago, several mid-singles LDS wards in the valley hosted a conference with about 1200 […]
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?

[Editor’s Note: I think I’ve spoken on family history four times in the past year or two. Also, I had to teach a 5th Sunday lesson in another ward about family history today–the same today where I had to speak in Sacrament meeting. So when that happens, I go rogue and quote musicals with parental […]
Liz Writes This

Oh hey…it’s been a while there, blog-reader friends. No, I’m not dating someone. I know that’s what you were wondering. There are far more exciting endeavors that consume my time. For example, the real delay has been because *look around*… I changed my site. Move your blog to WordPress, they said. It will be easy, they said. […]
3 Ideas for when you’re “past feeling” in dating

This wouldn’t be a blogpost without me saying that dating is the worst. The worst of it is that it keeps getting worse even when it’s sometimes better. I have been on a lot of bad dates in my life (the date where the guy didn’t tell me it was a formal dance and I […]
Passings: Something of the Sacred

For many years, I have been a regular visitor to local care centers. This probably started when, as a child, I went with my grandparents as they served in an LDS branch at their nearby care center. And perhaps much of it stemmed from my dear friend Grace. I have found care centers to serve in […]
Best April Fool’s Day Joke

I have never been much of a prankster. A joker, yes. A tease? Yea, verily. But I’ve never been into those prank wars especially because TPing and the like seem like such an enormous waste of resources. On the other hand, I do remember putting a rubber band around the sink sprayer thing for April […]
Disney Band-Aids and Vulnerability
Every blog needs a poorly lighted picture. I pinched my finger last weekend when I was helping a friend move. With pliers. It was a silly mistake, really. I was just trying to remove a bolt so we could disassemble a digital piano and get it moved out of the house. Of course, I […]
2015 Dating Year in Review

Welcome to my 2015 Dating Year in Review. My regular year was great, filled with so many awesome things, like speaking at Women’s Conference, another successful charity garage sale, new roommates and many new friendships, a new Church calling, a new niece, a new sister-in-law, fun hikes and trips (Kansas City, New Orleans, Montana, Canada), […]
Cling to Your Covenants
[Editor’s Note: I was asked to speak in my YSA Stake Conference Saturday night meeting about family history, as I am the stake family history coordinator. (And then asked to repeat some of it on Sunday–the nerve!) My parents came to listen and it was awesome because I found out the pulpit I spoke at was […]
30 reasons why I’m still single at age 30
In any type of normal conversation in which someone finds out I am single and [now] 30, invariably I hear a comment to the effect of “I just don’t understand why you’re not married.” I appreciate it. I do. Well, I mean I think I do. I am guessing that means they think I’m awesome […]