If you buy a Liz a house, she will also need a turkey roaster pan.
Q4 Books in Review (October-December 2018)

From Little Women (a fave) through to the Mistborn trilogy and beyond to Boys in the Boat. A good set of reads these past few months.
A Vote for Kindness this Christmas

“I have wept in the night For the shortness of sight That to somebody’s need made me blind; But I never have yet Felt a tinge of regret For being a little too kind.” -Unknown, but attributed to C.R. Gibson This little poem popped up as a “memory” in my Facebook feed this weekend. I […]
Q3 2018 Books in Review (July-September)

Finally read the Seven Habits, audiobooked my way through some Brandon Sanderson, educated myself, and got into some mysteries along the way. #reading #books
33 Reasons Why I’m Still Single at Age 33

So here we are again. “[I’ve] had a birthday, shout hooray….One year older, and one year older”… as my modified version of the Primary birthday song goes. The laughs, the tears, the “I seriously can’t believe that even happened” are now here for your review. Presenting… 33 Reasons Why I’m Still Single at Age 33 […]
One Year of Home Ownership

One year ago, I made the crazy, but fun, decision to buy my own home. I have always (and still) love to look at homes online. I’d been watching local homes for a few years while preparing myself to take the plunge and dive in to selling my soul to a mortgage company. As many […]
A Call Twelve Years Ago

Sometime life just hits with you with feelings. Like lessons in Church on preparing missionaries to serve. And two sisters leaving on their missions in my ward. And another whose call just came. And a gal I babysat getting home and another who just got her call and another who is serving with so much […]
Q2 2018 Books in Review

“All stories told have been told before. We tell them to ourselves, as did all men who ever were. And all men who ever will be. The only things new are the names.” “Words are where most change begins.” ―Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance This has been a good few months of reading. Enjoy the […]
Q1 2018 Books in Review

I did it! I wanted to try doing my book reviews on a quarterly basis this year and look! #ICanDoHardThings I had an interesting mix of bookses this time around (That’s how Gollum would say it. No, I didn’t re-read LOTR. Yes, I want to.) Children’s Book Good Morning Moroni By: Jed Nelson Platt I […]
Singing to the Messiah

Last night, I sang many of the chorus songs in George Frideric Handel’s Messiah. We have likely all heard the “Hallelujah” chorus, and I hope we have felt the exultant joy of “For Unto Us a Child is Born.” I, too, had heard the well-known pieces and loved them for a long time. But the entirety […]