2023 Stittstrup Family Blog
2022 StittStrup (Stitt & Meilstrup) Christmas Blog

A few days after Thanksgiving, they started arriving. A thing I cherish most dearly and love to adorn my walls with. My shrine. The Christmas cards. Also a few days after Thanksgiving, I started to wonder if this was something I should do, too. But a huge thanks to my 2020 self who already set […]
2020 Digital Christmas Card Blog

Really, you should not be surprised that I put my dog in one of my ugly Christmas sweaters and then put reindeer antlers on her head. I don’t know why she looks so embarrassed. It’s festive! But Merry Christmas! When we were little, my mom used to write a yearly Christmas newsletter. She mostly documented […]
Three Years of Home Ownership: Pandemic Projects

So it’s been three years. I’m surprised I made it past the first night, honestly. You know how it’s hard to sleep when you’re in a new place? Yeah, that first night was like that. And even worse since I was all alone in the house in a neighborhood I didn’t know that well. And […]
Table for One: Apple Balsamic Salad

This is THE ONE. Meaning: this is the recipe I first flipped to when I was given this Table for One book and realized how ridiculous it was. Why? Because it called for one (1) strip of bacon. One. Piece. All. Alone. In. The. World.
WIFYR 2020 Conference: Children’s Picture Books

We must bring stories and experiences and values to a new generation. Children’s book people are good citizens of the planet and they can start children on the path to thinking and reasoning and healing.
Table for One: Basil Pesto Pasta

In which I discover that there are some things a Blendtec blender cannot blend.
Table for One: Chicken Poppyseed

Several years ago, two very wonderful co-workers gave me a book as a joke. Table for One: Perfectly portioned meals for the single cook by Camille Funk.
On blogging

Who even writes a blog about blogging? I guess I do. A few weeks ago, I went and saw the new Little Women. This blog is not a review of the movie. Suffice it to say that I thought it was beautiful. There are a few critical things I didn’t like about it, but that’s […]