Check out Q3 2020’s reads and which I’d recommend.
35 Reasons Why I’m Still Single at Age 35

This year, I sincerely considered just putting up a list where every reason listed was COVID-19. Lucky you, I came through a little better than that.
Three Years of Home Ownership: Pandemic Projects

So it’s been three years. I’m surprised I made it past the first night, honestly. You know how it’s hard to sleep when you’re in a new place? Yeah, that first night was like that. And even worse since I was all alone in the house in a neighborhood I didn’t know that well. And […]
A Night of Light and Full Nets

There will be nights of darkness. There will be nights when your nets come up empty. And there will be nights of light and nets that fill. And then maybe more waiting. Or maybe a call that will forever change the direction of your life.
Table for One: Apple Balsamic Salad

This is THE ONE. Meaning: this is the recipe I first flipped to when I was given this Table for One book and realized how ridiculous it was. Why? Because it called for one (1) strip of bacon. One. Piece. All. Alone. In. The. World.
Books in Review Q2 2020

Remember that one time when I said I was going to review books every month? And then a worldwide pandemic hit and I stopped reading as much? Yeah. So that’s why I’m combining my book reviews into a quarterly review for this quarter, because why not be inconsistent? (Listed in order of reading) Celebrating a […]
WIFYR 2020 Conference: Children’s Picture Books

We must bring stories and experiences and values to a new generation. Children’s book people are good citizens of the planet and they can start children on the path to thinking and reasoning and healing.
Table for One: Basil Pesto Pasta

In which I discover that there are some things a Blendtec blender cannot blend.
March 2020 Books in Review

Does anyone else feel like March was three years ago? Also, did anyone else notice how light my reading list was last month? You would think that with all the extra time at home that I would have read a ton more books. Turns out that eliminating commute time (and thus audiobook time) cuts my […]
It Is Well With My Soul

I don’t know why such beauty can come of tragedy; I just know that sometimes it does. I don’t know why faith and hope are strengthened in the most trying times; I just know that they can be.