Hey y’all. I know one of the top questions on your mind is, “But what does dating look like during COVID-19?” I mean, we keep seeing people get engaged so I just guess they must be really good at ring toss. I hesitated to write this blog. Not for the reason you may think (ie. […]
Table for One: Chicken Poppyseed

Several years ago, two very wonderful co-workers gave me a book as a joke. Table for One: Perfectly portioned meals for the single cook by Camille Funk.
February 2020 Books in Review

A few amazing reads that lifted my spirits, grew my mind, and/or strengthened me spiritually.
Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 3: The Process

If you’ve read my last two blog posts on the idea and the basis stats of the great set-up service experiment of 2015, you already have the gist and the kind of numbers and demographics I was working with. So let’s get down to how I went about setting people up. First, though, there must […]
Thoughts on building a ship

A few weeks ago as I was reading in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 17-18, my thoughts turned to ship building, as they do. Nephi and his family were living in a land they called Bountiful–because it was bountiful in fruit and wild honey and the Lord prepared things for them. Sounds nice […]
January 2020 Books in Review

So this year I am trying to review books every month. One, because sometimes within 3 months I’ve already forgotten the gist of the book and my thoughts on it. (Sad, but true). Two, because I’m a cheater pants and for my goal of blogging every week, if I up the frequency of my books […]
Love and love and love

The gospel of Jesus Christ was and is for all. In our efforts to share the gospel, if we want to create a welcoming place for others, we can first start by welcoming those already here among us, but who may not feel like they belong.
Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 2: The Basic Stats

I have to clarify for y’all. My Set-up Service was an experiment that I tried 5 years ago in 2015. It’s not something I’m currently doing or planning to do again at the moment (although I now realize how my “Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 1: The idea” post could have seemed that way). That being […]
Liz’s Set-up Service, Part 1: The Idea

My brother Kyler and I like to talk about a lot of crazy ideas. In 2015, he and I were both single. He’s good and married now; I’m still good and single. I am a serial matchmaker and just have the hardest time NOT trying to set people up, even though sometimes people hate me […]
On blogging

Who even writes a blog about blogging? I guess I do. A few weeks ago, I went and saw the new Little Women. This blog is not a review of the movie. Suffice it to say that I thought it was beautiful. There are a few critical things I didn’t like about it, but that’s […]