So many people ask me about my house all the time! My casa is anxious to tell you, so here’s your update. I did change up a few things here and there in my decor. I got a new rug and bookshelves for my front room, and I’m super happy about those. I framed some […]
Books in Review Q4 2019

I’ve loved seeing so many friends post all the books they read in 2019! You are adding many more books to my list. To return the favor, I’ll add my 4th quarter readings. I got a little bit out of control with reading this quarter, apparently, but a lot of these I read to skill-up […]
The dark strand of Christmas lights

Note: Our Relief Society does a little newsletter each month with a message. I was asked to write the message for December and I hemmed and hawed all of November about what to write. The night I needed to turn it in I still had no ideas, until this (the story below) happened, so it […]
Books in Review Q3 2019

It’s interesting how different phases of our life influence our reading. I definitely had a little more discretionary reading time with an international trip to and from Mongolia–especially when the in-flight entertainment was broken on the way back–and lots of driving time in the country, too. But I also got a new job and you’ll […]
But why Mongolia? A Travel Blog

I recently traveled to Mongolia for two weeks. Apparently this is strange because the top question I have received is… “But why?” One person even was so surprised that he said, “You must have already traveled a lot of places if Mongolia was next on your list to visit.” Well, I just don’t think that’s […]
34 Reasons Why I’m Still Single at Age 34

About a month ago, a friend excitedly said, “Your birthday is coming up, isn’t it?” “Wow,” I thought. “How does she remember my birthday? So thoughtful.” Out loud. “Yes, yes it is.” Her reply, “YES! I’m so excited to read your blog about reasons you’re single.” You’re welcome. 😛 For those who are new to […]
Books in Review Q2 2019

Over this quarter, I went on a nice nearly 3-week long trip to Brazil where I traveled all over on like…11 flights or something crazy like that. So I had a lot of time in airports and a lot of time to read. Thus, this quarter’s reads: The Witch’s Vacuum Cleaner and Other Stories The […]
Strange Ways I’ve Set (or almost set) People Up

Two years ago, I wrote a post about 5 Crazy Ways I’ve Been Set Up. Today, I add the companion post with ways I have set other people up, or in some cases, tried to set others up because I rarely succeed. But who cares about success rates in dating, right?
Q1 2019 Books in Review

Quite a good little mix of books this time around. Some were enjoyable, some to explore a different genre or author, and some that deeply moved me. I thought I’d provide the skimmable version of the books I read first and then my reviews. Books in no particular order The Ocean at the End of […]
Three lessons from the 2018 Book of Mormon challenge

Go and Do, Something New, and Shared Experiences. Three lessons from President Russell M. Nelson’s challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 2018.