I’ve probably gone on at least a million “blind” dates in my life. I say “blind” because there’s hardly any such thing since the advent of Facebook (and Google and LinkedIn, not that I would know where to look…). Thus the picture of blinds on my post. Dates these days are less blindfold-y and more […]
Israel 3: Boat ride on the Galilee, Ginosar, Capernaum, Wadi Hammam, Magdala

In this edition of “Liz goes to Israel and Jordan” you will learn about doing yoga on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. So, we did yoga on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. One of the gals on our trip, Susi, is a yoga instructor, which we discovered on our run together […]
Tri1 (Jan-April) 2017 Book Recommendations

After posting my book recommendations at the end of 2016, I made a goal to try posting them on a more regular basis. I don’t read enough books often enough to make it every month, but I thought I could try every quarter. And then April came and went without me posting, so I decided […]
Israel 2: Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Banias, Golan, Galilee

Lake. Sea. Tiberias. Genesserat. Kinneret. Galilee. Sea of Galilee The Sea of Galilee is also known as Lake Tiberias and Lake Genesserat and Lake Kinneret (and other names, too!) The Bible makes so much more sense when you start to realize they’re all talking about the same place. The Jordan River feeds into and empties […]
Israel 1: Haifa, Muhraqa, and Nazareth

“In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” -David Ben Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel (Interview on CBS, 5 October 1956) Israel is an incredible place, full of history, layers, faith, miracles, conflict, destruction, rebuilding, ashes, beauty from ashes, holiness, and the beauty of holiness. I don’t actually know […]
2016 Books in Review

Last year, I did a Dating Year in Review. Does it say anything about #whyimsingle that I’m replacing that this year with my books in review? This year, I finally got into tracking my books consistently on Goodreads. Why, you say? Because one day I read a book and found it fascinating. New. Intriguing. I was […]
Give others a chance to grow

I don’t profess to be a talented pianist. I started piano lessons when I was 6 but couldn’t handle them emotionally, so I stopped until I was 8. That time it stuck, and I took lessons for the next 10 years. I believe some people have natural talent, and I had two friends growing up whose talent […]
June roses in…October

“God gave us memories, that we might have June roses in the December of our lives.” — James Barrie (paraphrased by Thomas S. Monson). I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a December of my life…more like an October. And I do agree with Anne of Green Gables, “I’m so glad I live in a world where […]
31 reasons why I’m still single at age 31

Well, you probably didn’t think I could do it. I didn’t think I could do it. After writing 30+ reasons last year about why I was still single at 30, I for sure didn’t think I would be able to come up with 31 MORE reasons. (And maybe let’s just not mention that I thought […]
When the answer is peace

Last week, I was in a discussion about the spiritual needs of us younger-ish people. We spoke about answers from God. There was this feeling that many seek answers but don’t seem to get them. That they ask, but don’t feel they receive. And that without an answer to all the questions and all the confusion, it […]